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Find and Replace

The Find and Replace task allows replacing of values in text columns with another text value. This can be done conditionally.

When to use

  • When you want to replace text in one more columns.
  • When you want to apply a find and replace conditionally.
  • When you want to partially replace a text value found in some of the columns.


Let us start with the following sample data.


By observing the data, we see that the word Chemestry is misspelled. Let us assume we would like to correct the spelling. To achieve that,complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Transform > Label, Filter and Replace.
  2. Select the Find and Replace function.
  3. Type in Chemestry in the Find box and Chemistry in the Replace with box.
  4. Select the column Subject in the column selection pane.
  5. Click APPLY.

Data will look as shown below:


Supported Options

The following options are supported.

  1. Find and Replace pairs: The value to find and the value to replace with. More than one pair can be used here. Blank values are valid replace values.
  2. Columns: The columns on which we want to apply these results.
  3. Case Sensitive: Whether the search should be case sensitive.
  4. Entire Cell: Whether the search should match entire cell content.
  5. Condition: See Condition.

Search Modes

This section describe the functioning of case sensitive and entire cell options.

Case sensitive

This option treats uppercase and lowercase spellings separately. Refer the following table for examples:

Search ValueActual Text in DataMatch
fishfish & chips✔︎
Fishfish & chips

Entire cell

This option determines whether the search is limited to only entire cells or partial content of cells.

If it is set to entire cell mode, the matching works as shown below:

Search ValueActual Text in DataMatch
Fishfish & chips✔︎

If the option is not set, the matching works as shown below:

Search ValueActual Text in DataMatch
fish & chipsfish & chips✔︎